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 Upcoming stuff

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Join date : 2010-10-27
Age : 28
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: Upcoming stuff   Upcoming stuff EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 12:52 pm

This topic has been created as a courtesy to our forumites so that they can easily find pertinent major information as shared by a WarRock admin. The moderators will attempt to keep this up-to-date at all times, but if you see a post that you think should be added to this topic, please let us know via PM!.

this thread and lists in it are "as is". it's a roadmap of what is PROBABLY going to come our way by the time mentioned. Keep in mind that due to technical or other reasons things may be delayed.


1. Antihack related news

First rule of Fight Club...
We're not going to announce what we are doing or when we are doing it.

however we drop a hint here and there;

1. The anti-cheat software will be less automated.

"In general we are moving away from a automated banning situation specifically with our anti-cheat program. This means it is less likely you will be auto-banned for running a legit program since we're focusing more on getting "hard evidence" with screenshots of cheaters when we are banning them. It slows things down (considerably) but at the same time it helps keep accounts caught cheating closed while minimizing the amount of false positives."

"One of the big things we're working on is adding a "Super Master" force kick function for WarRock.
This new WarRock feature would let players kick anyone in the room cheating. It would be server side so anit-kick won't work. This function would allow other players in the room to rate the kick after it occurs thereby rating the Super Master. Super Masters ratings would be viewable in the channel lobbies so players can easily see bad Super Masters."

2. The idea of player mods has been denied by DE:

"Sorry it has been turned down. DE will not allow people other then G1 Employees to have access to the games tools that bans players. Plus for legal and security reasons."

3. Cleaning up code in effort to block known and yet unknown hacks thanks to a white-hat hacker team.

4. The FBI is investigating some hack sites much to the glee of Neume

5. DE will lock files down, any tinkering with them will be sniffed out and result in bans.

2. New Content

1. New maps and weapons are coming, that's a given. Some details according to neume;
mostly weapons though according to neume

2. Plans for next year revealed that we will get Hero Mode, Costume System now gear system, CTC, at least 4 new maps, new room options, a plethora of weapons and more...

3. New (custom) costumes in 2010 < aka "gear system"
Neume twit together with more graphics changes.

4. Gear system. Possibly same as above; new "gear" system that will let players wear new types of armor that will show up on their character models, and add both advantages and disadvantages when worn (heavy body armor will provide good protection, but will make your character move more slowly, for instance). ETA is late April/May

5. Buddy list finished before Q2 2010.

6. Training server "soon"

7. Clan system; pretty much ready on g1's side but debilitating issues with the game-side of it.

8. There maybe several clan-servers and maybe region restrictions depending on clan-type.

9. Plans for seventh sloth! just kidding. plans yes but it's a surprise bound to be premium-only.

3. Other

1. Room options; the ability to limit certain classes/slots/weapons. No details yet but " We're definitely planning to add new
room options in the future."
We're working on new room options that restrict slots (like just 1st slot weapons or no 5th slot weapons). That should help.

2. Commanding Officers will have the right to remove/votekick anyone from a room, rate players who have been removed and
some other perks.

3. Block out: an automated way of rating players who are cheating so the more people who put you on a block list the harder
it will become for you to play a game.

4. Forum update in first quarter of 2010

5. G1 to host Warrock for at least 2-5 years more.

6. new replacement for the G1 Credit Counter.

7. International an option and not a requirement, few servers to go offline in "off season"
but it will be back! twitter for a week
plans access to int'l with a pass to be payed for with dinar

8. new lobby spam countermeasures.

9. new retails promises.

10. FFA powerlevelers may fall on hard times as they will get targeted.

11. far off in the future but DE is making a new Jindo-engine and a new warrock.

12. Also far off; Peer-to-servers might come, maybe as WR2.

That it! Will Be updated regurally
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-10-27
Age : 28
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: Updated (12/8/10)   Upcoming stuff EmptyWed Dec 08, 2010 11:48 am

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